My Co-Partners
My Co-Partners are people I value and respect as human beings. I admire and respect them both personally and professionally, We share similar work ethics and have had many years of working together. I can honestly and warmly recommend each one of them.
Robert Dilts
Robert is Recognized internationally as one of the foremost developers, trainers and practitioners of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, He has done consulting and training's through the world to a wide variety of professional groups and organizations. He has lectured extensively on NLP, making presentations and giving keynote addresses for distinguished academic institutions and major corporations around the world. Robert is also the author of 25 books, including the Success Factor Modeling series, several monographs and over 2 dozen articles on NLP, including The Encyclopedia of Systemic Neuro-Linguistic Programming and NLP NewCoding (co-authored with Judith DeLozier), The Hero´s Journey: A Voyager of Discovery (co-authored with Stephen Gilligan) and his recent book, NLP II: The Next Generation NLP (co-authored with Judith DeLozier and Deborah Bacon Dilts). Other Robert´s publications and training's you can find from his web page.
Co-operation with Reetta
"It´s easy to see and sense the deep vision and mission that is within you. I´m touched by the degree to which you are dedicated to deeply developing and using all your minds: cognitive, somatic and field. I acknowledge and support Reetta as an excellent Master Trainer from the NLPU Global Training and Consulting Community."
Reetta is also member of Dilts Strategy Group and Certified Copyright Participant as well a member of Global NLP Training and consulting Community in NLPU.
Judith DeLozier
Judith DeLozier has been a trainer, co-developer, and designer of training programs in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming since 1975. A member of Grinder and Bandler’s original group of students, Judith has made fundamental contributions to the development of numerous NLP models and processes. Judith holds a Masters Degree (MA) in Religious Studies, and a Bachelors Degree (BA) in Anthropology and Religious Studies from the University of California at Santa Cruz, where she met Grinder and Bandler. She has taught NLP all over the world, including Europe, Asia, Indonesia, Australia, Mexico, Central America, Canada, and the United States, and was president of Grinder, DeLozier and Associates and DeLozier and Associates for approximately 14 years. She is presently an associate of NLP University with Robert Dilts.
Co-Operation with Reetta
I´ve met Reetta several times during these years from 2008 in Santa Cruz California and later in London. She has been a student of mine and as well a resource person in NLPU Trainer course and in London Master Trainer course one module. Reetta invited me to Finland to join her NLP Trainers course 2017. It´s been my pleasure to works and collaborate with Reetta.
Stephen Gilligan
Stephen is a Psychologist. He was one of the original NLP students at UC Santa Cruz. Milton Erickson and Gregory Bateson were his mentors.
After receiving his psychology doctorate from Stanford University, he became one of the premier teachers and practitioners of Ericksonian hypnotherapy. This work unfolded into his original approaches of Self-Relations and Generative Self, and then further (in collaboration with Robert Dilts) into Generative Coaching. These different traditions have all been updated and integrated into the present Generative Change Work
Co-operation with Reetta
Reetta has been my student In San Diego and resource person at Trance Camp Barcelona and Generative Goaching in London. 2017 I was in Finland having 3 days workshop in Generative change and Trance, which was part of Reetta´s NLP Trainer Course. It´s been my pleasure to work and collaborate with Reetta.
Inge G. Konge Ludvigsen, Yes2Life ApS, Denmark
Inge has studied NLP from 1990 and 2002 she continued Jungian Analytic Therapy, Infant Therapy and SandPlay. 2013 Family Constellation. Today she is combining these methods in her work to process the entire human system in the most successful way.
Inge is a member of EAP, European Association of Psychotherapy and MPF, Danish Association of Psychotherapy. She inspires people around the world and gives trainings internationally. Inge´s mission is to create a loving and creative environment, where people can nurture the soul – to create beauty, healing and growth. We all deserve to have a good life.
Co- training with Reetta
We first meet at NLP University, USA in 2010 and since then we have co-operated several trainings every year. Reetta as a co-trainer is authentic, heartily, very creative and inspiring. She is professional and have high standarts in her work. She moves people in a very elegant and deep way from her heart, wisdom and soul.
Catherine Granadel Herrero
Catherine is an NLP Master Trainer and she was Robert Dilts interpreter for French speaking countries during almost 10 years, deepening by his side the knowledge and understanding of NLP, as well as her training and coaching skills. She trains professional coaches and trainers in France and abroad, and she coaches and trains managers and leaders in the Corporate world. Seeker by conviction, she never stops exploring and learning new methods and horizons, that she brings to live in her workshops and coachings. Catherine was trained as a 5 Rhythms Spaceholder in the USA, and she co-holds with her husband Jean-François, dance and moving meditation sessions and workshops. As a trained psychotherapist, she is able to create and hold a safe space for everyone to experience positive transformations.
Collaboration with Reetta
Reetta and I met in our Trainer’s Training in NLPU in Santa Cruz, then the next year for our Master Trainer Course. We then decided to work together, and since then, I teach with my Husband JF on Reettas’ trainers’ course. Reetta has this amazing ability to see the best in you, to sponsor it, to nurture it, and to show you the way to let it shine. Her generosity, her genuine heart add to high level technical skills, and bring NLP Training to a level of artistry that I can acknowledge as a trainer myself..
Jean Fracois Granadel. JF
JF came to the corporate world through Theater Workshops for Leaders. He’s been working extensively for 20 years in training and coaching managers and leaders to become the best version of themselves, using different classical and well-known techniques and tools (NLP, Transactional Analysis, Human Element, narrative approaches…) , as well as more unconventional ones, tapping into the somatic intelligence of the human body, through dance and martial arts.
JF is a 5 Rhythms - moving meditation practice certified teacher, giving classes and workshops nationally and internationally.
Together with his wife Catherine, they hold workshops for coaches, trainers and leaders, blending the power and structure of NLP, and the magic of movement and dance, to create deep shifts at the identity level… and above.
Collaboration with Reetta
I have been giving 5 rhythms and NLP workshops for Reetta and her Trainers’ Trainings since the beginning. We work on the embodiment of your Vision and Mission as Trainers. In these workshops, we meet at a very deep yet subtle level. That’s how I met Reetta: I saw her soul, dancing, I saw her courage, I witnessed her strength and her softness, I encountered the playful damsel. Coming back to Finland to teach for her and next to her is a blessing, as we always share deep experiences of connection and transformation together on the dance floor. Jonathan Goldsmith
Jonathan is a a Psychotherapist, Generative Coach, Hypnotherapist and NLP Trainer and one of the International Association of Generative Change (IAGC) developers and supervisors.
In his therapeutic business, Be More You, he works in privat practice with individuals for one to one theraphy and coaching. For business and organizations, he works as a coach & Trainer. He also offers mentoring and workshops to help and guide people with their creative projects, aspirations, and dreams with his project BEMOre Creative.
He hold a postgraduate diploma in Contemporary Psychotherapy. He has worked with Judit DeLozier, Christina Hall, Richard Bandler, Lisade Rijk and extensively with Stephen Gilligan and Robert Dilkts with their IAGC project.
He has extensive experience in the creative industries and this has led him to be involved with various creative projects utilizing GenerativeChange principles included helping produce immersive theatre shows in New York and London. He continues to collaborate with artists, musicians, chefs, actors,and performers and believes that the creative arts are an area in which the principles of Generative Change thrive. He is also a partner in one of the UK´s longest NLP Trainings companies PPD Learning alongside trainer Judith Lowe.
Co-Operation with Reetta
We met at NLPU 2012 when I was studying my NLP Trainer Training and Reetta was on the resource team.
Since then Reetta has come over to the UK to support our NLP Trainings at PPD Learning and our Generative Coaching Programme. I have been over to Finland to run one of my Be More Creative workshops for her and also to resource on Stephen Gilligan’s trainings.
Reetta is a really special person, there are few people in the training world that runs programmes with the depth of skill and integrity that she embodies and I am delighted to be one of her associates.
Kulani Kamaha´o
Kulani has spent her career as an Educator, Mentor, Trainer, Trainer, Master Teacher, Musical and Artistic Director, Composer, Privat Tutor, Consultant empowering children and adults by empazing the importance of respect, compassion, and acuity to reach their goals whether it is a variety of careers with the adults she is training or maintaining high standards of academic success with young students. Using her training from various Universities (University of California in Berkley, Stanford, International University, Waldortf Teacher Training, the completion of NLP corse work (NLP Master Trainer) and her life experiences, Kulani has completed over 45 years of consistent work in classrooms . She implements singing, movement, and theater skills to built safety, harmonious communication and generative collaboration. She has been also a student and co-trainer of Robert Dilts and Judith DeLozies being the essential part in these training at NLPU where we talk about creating the field where miracles can happen.
Co-training with Reetta
I met Reetta in 2008 when I registered her for her first NLP Course in Santa Cruz. The rest a wonderful history developing friendship, professional team work, consultants for one another, and an inspirational partnership. Reetta has keen sense of the Human Soul. She is a genius creating safe environment for deep and sustained growth. She is playful, yet professional; humorous, yet appropriate; serious, yet approachable. She prepares endlessly for her workshops and expects the same high quality of preparation on the part of her team, yet she never has to ask: by the model she sets and the expectations she exudes, people around her step into their Higher Self to meet Reetta. Reetta Vanhanen is a skillful Master Trainer, a deeply spiritual Being, a lover of Nature, n athlete in aquatics, a devoter mother and wife, and most importantly a lover of humanity and a joyful Soul.
I´ve been in Finland several times, being part of Reetta´s NLP Trainer course and workshops. It is my honor to work with Reetta.
Robbie Steinhouse
Robbie is renowned for his down-to-earth and humorous teaching styles, and his popular courses at NLP School are widely attended by people from all walks of life. Robbie has published 5 books, including "Brilliant Decision Making" and "How to Coach Nlp" and is currently working on his 6th book.
Co-operation with Reetta
"When I first met Reetta at Generative Coaching in London 2015, her knowledge of Nlp, authenticity and sincere dedication to helping others was immediately evident.
At the Nlp Trainer´s training in 2019 I observed that Reetta was a wonderful resource person - supportive, warm and naturally able to form special and deep connection to others. Reetta is a brilliant NLP Master Trainer and coach.
Päivi Rautiainen, LuovatWorkshopit Oy
20-vuotta ja yli 2000 workshoppia ovat luoneet Päiville vankan ammattitaidon ryhmien ja työyhteisöjen kehittäjänä. Hänen tapansa työskennellä on täynnä energiaa, huumoria ja uskallusta viedä osallistujat yllättäviin, luoviin ja oivalluttaviin toimintamalleihin, joilla päästään tavoitteisiin, joita valmennukselle on asetettu. Vahvan kokemuksellisen muistijäljen jättäen.
Arvostus ja kunnioitus ovat arvopohja, jolle Päivi sanoituksensa rakentaa. Päivin tahto kehittyä ja kasvaa koko ajan uudistaa valmennuksia ja tekee niistä uniikkeja.
Päivin valmennusten pääteemoja:
Teambuilding-Teamwork is now Artwork! Organisaatio muutokset-notkeasti yhdessä tekemään. See the big picture! Arvot, strategia, visiot. Yhteiset kartat! Rohkeat kohtaamiset. Yhteishengen sytytys! Johtajan sisäinen kasvu.
Yhteistyö Reetan kanssa
Yhteistyö on alkanut jo 2000-luvun alussa ja merkittävimmät askeleet olen ottanut hänen kanssa viimeisen 3 vuoden aikana, ollen hänen oppilaana ja NLP- apuopettajana. Sitä luulee jo oppineensa... ja sitten Reetta kuljettaakin Sinut uudella tavalla kasvun paikalle, jossa voit niin turvallisesti ja kannustettuna ottaa vielä uuden rohkean askeleen kohti omaa hyvää tilaa ja uuden oppimista.
Sari Markkula
Elämässä koetut muutokset ja haasteet ovat johdattaneet etsimään ratkaisuja ja opettaneet, että ihmismielellä on valtava potentiaali muutoksissa ja vaikeuksissa selviämisessä. Sari on lempeän kannustava ja haluaa rakentaa siltoja kokonaisvaltaisen hyvinvoinnin ja elämän äärelle.
Yhteistyö Reetan kanssa
Reetan tapa katsoa maailmaa puhutteli minua alusta asti. Tapasimme ensimmäisen kerran 2017 Garda retriitillä ja sen jälkeen minulla on ollut ilo olla hänen oppilaana ja avustavana kouluttajana. Reetalla on ainutlaatuinen kyky luoda ympärilleen salliva ja turvallinen tila jossa jokainen voi olla oma itsensä ja merkityksellinen henkilökohtainen kasvu tulee mahdolliseksi. Reetta on avoin, kannustava, avulias, huumorintajuinen, sopivasti rento ja huipputraitava sydämellisesti ihmiset kohtaava Nlp-ammattilainen.
olen iloinen että saan yhteistyökumppanina olla oppimassa ja löytämässä lisää Reetan tavassa olla ja kouluttaa.
Anna Ilonen
Anna on sympaattinen ja lempeä kouluttaja joka on itse kokenut eron, selvinnyt siitä ja löytänyt tiensä kohti iloa.
Anna on valmistunut vuonna 2018 Marianna Stolbown johdolla Suomalaisen eroseminaarin ohjaajaksi. Lisäksi hän opiskelee NLP:tä Reetta Vanhasen johdolla (NLP Practitioner, 2018 ja NLP Master Practitioner, 2019).
NLP:n avulla Anna on saanut lisää ymmärrystä ja sallivuuttaa omille kokemuksille elämässä ja omaan kouluttajuuteen tässä ja nyt. Hänellä on kyky kohdata ihmiset ja kaikki eroon liittyvät tunteen aidosti ja ihmisiä tukien ja rohkaisten.
Yhteistyö Reetan kanssa
Reetta on äärettömän taitava ja työtään täydestä sydämentä tekevä kouluttaja. Hän vangitsee tarinoillaan ja johdattaa oppilaansa olennaisen, jokaisen itsensä äärelle. Heti präkkäriltä lähtien tiesin haluavani tehdä yhteistyötä Reetan kanssa. Silloin en vielä tiennyt miten, mutta jännä juttu, pienin askelin elämä on kääntymässä toivomaani suuntaan. Voin lämmöllä suositella Reetan kursseja kaikille, jotka haluavat tutustua itseensä ja sitä kautta parantaa oman elämänsä ja ihmissuhteidensa laatua.
Työni on onnistunut kun asiakkaani kokevat että ovat saaneet koulutuksesta/valmennuksesta sen mikä oli tavoite tai enemmän. Alla muutamia suosituksia asiakkailtani.